How To Create a Floorplan Drawing 

Step 1.

Click the Draw button on the Add Rental Unit grid row - a new window will open where you can create the drawing.

Step 2.

When you are done creating the drawing, click the Tool icon and choose Save Image.

Step 3.

After clicking Save Image, you will see a page with the message "Your drawing has been saved. Please close this window to continue.". Close the popup window and continue with the Rental Unit information. Do not change the ID number that gets populated in the Draw Floorplan textbox - this is the integration link to the drawing.


If you don't see a number in the Draw Floorplan textbox after you have created and saved your drawing, then something went wrong and the image will not be linked. In this case, you can try to create the drawing again by following Steps 1-3 OR you can create the floorplan on your computer using MS Paint or a similar drawing tool and then upload the file using the Floorplan Upload option on the Add Rental Unit grid row.